Woman on Top by Deborah Schwartz 60’s Novel. If the title of this book were part of a multiple choice question (say, “What does the title mean?) I think that “all of the above” would be the correct answer. But perhaps the most important meaning pertains to the protagonists struggle to find her place in society after the tragic death of her husband when they are both young, raising two small children. The relentless progression of Jake’s cancer is told in flashbacks alternating with her new reentry into the world of dating, where she finds a guy whose most prominent positive feature is his wealth. Clearly Kate (the protagonist) will not get on top until she dumps this guy. Her friends know it, the reader knows it, even Kate knows it. We’re all rooting for her to muster the gumption. Maybe you’ll read this one, so I won’t tell you the final meaning of the title. You’ll know it when you get there.
(Okay, one little hint: What does the Mother Superior sing to Maria?)