Friends Seminary Writers
1. Abrahams, Fred ? A Village Destroyed, War Crimes in Kosovo with Eric Stover and Gilles Peress (Edited book)
2. Arning, Bill late 70’s?- Marilyn Minter: Pretty/Dirty (Edited book)
3. Azzarelli, Kim ’88 Fast Forward, How Women can Achieve Power and Purpose with Melanne Verveer (Nonfiction)
4. Bacon, Amanda Chantal early 2000’s The Moon Juice Cookbook: Cook Cosmically for the Body, Beauty, and Consciousness (Nonfiction)
5. Baer, Elizabeth late 70’s early 80’s with cowriters Arnold, Lawall and Aronson Love and Betrayal, A Catullus Reader (Education)
6. Barbash, Ilisa ’77 Where All Roads End, Photography and Anthropology in the Kalahari (Nonfiction International)
7. Bart, Peter late 40’s? Infamous Players, A tale of Movies, The Mob (and sex) (Nonfiction)
8. Benz, Yarrott ff The Bone Bridge (Memoir)
9. Black, Hillel 50’s Buy Now Pay Later (nonfiction)
10. Borroff, Marie early 40’s Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Patience, Pearl (Art, Literature, Music)
11. Browne. Malcolm ‘48 Muddy Boots and Red Socks (Nonfiction)
12. Bruel, Nick ’83 Bad Kitty (Children/Education)
13. Bryer, Jackson ? editor Why I Like this Story (Edited work)
14. Buckmaster, Henrietta late 20’s Flight to Freedom, the Story of the Underground Railway (HB) All About Sir Walter Raleigh (HB) Wait Until Evening (HB) Women Who Shaped History (HB) The Seminole Wars (HB) Let My People Go (HB) All the Living (HB) Wait Until Evening (HB) The Lion in the Stone (HB) Paul, A Man who Changed the World (HB)
mix of categories but in a “bin” on this site devoted to this author alone
15. Calkin, Abigail ‘59 The Soul of my Soldier (Memoir)
16. Cane, Tina ff Once More With Feeling (Poetry) Dear Elena (Poetry) Body of Work (Poetry) Alma Presses Play (children/education) Year of the Murder Hornet (Poetry)
17. Cannon, Joan L. ’46 Second Growth (Novel)
18. Carr, Caleb ’75 The Angel of Darkness (Novel) The Alienist (Novel) Surrender, New York (Novel)Surrender, New York (novel) My Beloved Monster, Masha the Half Wild Rescue Cat Who Rescued Me (Memoir)
19. Chaffee, Jessie ’97 Florence in Ecstasy (Novel)
20. Chaitman, Helen Davis ’57 with Lance Gotthoffer JP Madoff, the Unholy Alliance between America’s Biggest Bank and America’s Biggest Crook (Nonfiction)
21. Chevigny, Paul late 50’s Edge of the Knife: Police Violence in the Americas (Nonfiction)
22. Chinlund, Stephen ’51 Prison Transformations: The System, the Prisoners, and me (Memoir)
23. Church, Joseph ’74 Music Direction for the Stage. A View From the Podium (Nonfiction)
24. Cott, Jonathan ’62 Pipers are the Gates of Dawn (Art, Literature, Music) On the Sea of Memory (Nonfiction) The Search for Omm Sety, A True Story of Eternal Love and One Woman’s Voyage Through the Ages (Nonfiction) There’s a Mystery There (Nonfiction)
25. Cross, H. S, mid 80’s, ff Wilberforce (Novel) Grievous (Novel)
26. Davis-Chanin, Laura late ‘70’ The Girl in the Back: A Female Drummer’s Life with Bowie, Blondie, and the ‘70s Rock Scene (Memoir)
27. Derbew, Sarah Untangling Blackness in Greek Antiquity (Nonfiction International)
28. DeSilva-Johnson, Lynne ‘98 Blood Atlas (Poetry)
29. Drellich, Evan ’04 Boston Red Socks, The Big 50 (Nonfiction) Winning Fixes Everything, The Rise and Fall of the Houston Astros ((Nonfiction)
30. Dufresne, Wylie 80’s The Cookbook (Nonfiction)
31. Dunham, Lena 90’s in the Lower School. Would have been in the class of 2000 something Not That Kind of Girl (Memoir)
32. Eichen, Adam, ‘11 Daring Democracy (Nonfiction) with Frances Lappé
33. Erlbaum, Janice middle school – 80’s Girlbomb (Memoir)
34. Fahey, Maria f Metaphor in Shakespearean Drama (Art. Literature, Music) Guide to Shakespeare’s Macbeth (Children/education)
35. Fajans, Elizabeth 60’s Writing for Law Practice (Nonfiction)
36. Fajans, Jane 60’s Brazilian Food: Race, Class, and Identity in Regional Cuisines (International Nonfiction)
37. Fisher, Robert 60’s Gardens of the Amalfi Coast (International Nonfiction)
38. Fink, Arthur ’64 Dance (Art, Literature and Music)
39. Foote, Timothy ’45 The World of Bruegel (Art, Literature, Music)
40. Foster, Nan Gaines ? Gutsy, the Food-Mood Method to Revitalize your Health (Nonfiction)
41. Frank, Hannah Frame by Frame (Art, literature and music)
42. Fyvie, Erica, ’91 Trash Revolution, Breaking the Waste Cycle (Children/Education) Illustrated by Bill Slavin
43. Gallo, Emily (Schwartz) ‘67 Murder at the Columbarium (Novel) The Columbarium (Novel) Venice Beach (Novel)Out of Ukraine (novel)
44. Garfinkle, Richard, Early 80’s? Exaltations (Novel)
45. Gibbs, Christopher ‘76 The Life of Schubert (Art, Literature, Music)
46. Gibbs, Janet ff Silence (nonfiction)
47. Gibbs, Nancy ‘78 The Presidents Club (Nonfiction) with Michael Duffy, The Preacher and the Presidents (Nonfiction) with Michael Duffy Children of Light, Friends Seminary 1786-1986 (nonfiction)
48. Gilbert, Edes Powell ’49 Alone Together (Memoir)
49. Gilman, Susan Jane Middle school in the 70’s The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street (Novel)
50. Goldberg, Lee Matthew ’96 The Mentor (Novel)
51. Goldschmidt, Arthur Jr ’55 and Lawrence Davidson A Concise history of the Middle East, Tenth Edition (Nonfiction) A Brief history of Egypt (Nonfiction)
52. Gonzalez, Margaret te Louis Souris et ses amis (Education/children) Body in Space, My Life with Tammy (Memoir)
53. Gosler, Joseph former business manager Searching for Home: The Impact of WWII on a Child (Memoir)
54. Grossman, Anna Jane ’97 Obsolete (Nonfiction)
55. Guthrie, Camille ff The Master Thief (Poetry) In Captivity (Poetry) Diamonds (poetry)
56. Hample, Zack 90’s? Art of the Snag (Nonfiction)
57. Hayes, Jennifer Fell te The Silver Shuttle (Education/Children)
58. Hieatt, Constance ’46 The Joy of the Court (Education/Children)
59. Hohn, Donovan ff Moby-Duck: The True Story of 28,999 Bath Toys Lost at Sea and of the Beachcombers, Oceanographers, Environmentalists & Fools Including the Author Who Went in Search of Them (Nonfiction) The Inner Coast (Nonfiction)
60. Howard, Elizabeth Meade ‘50’s middle school Aging Famously (Nonfiction)
61. Humphrey, Henry 60’s What is it For? (Children/Education)
62. Hupert, Matthew ‘78 Ism is a Retrovirus (Poetry) Secular Pantheism (Poetry)
63. Infantino, Jim ’83 The Wakeful Wanderers Guide to New New England and Beyond (Novel) The Wakeful Wanderer’s Guide to Disillusionment (novel)
64. Isay, Dave ’83 Callings, The Purpose and Passion of Work (Stories Listening is an Act of Love (Stories)
65. Johnson, Christel, f. Domina Virgin Mater Trix (Art Literature, Music)
66. Johnson, Jean te Through Indian Eyes (Edited books) (with Don Johnson)
67. Kahn, Annette te J.-K. Huysmans, Novelist, Poet, and Art Critic (Art, Literature, Music)
68. Kaplan. Rabbi Dana Evan circa ’77 A Life of Meaning: Embracing Reform Judaism’s Sacred Path (nonfiction)
69. Kaufman, Jonathan ’74 Broken Alliance (Nonfiction) A Hole in the Heart of the World, Being Jewish in Eastern Europe (Nonfiction-International) The Last Kings of Shanghai (Nonfiction-International)
70. Kimmelman, Michael ’76 Portraits (Art, Literature, Music) The Accidental Masterpiece, On the Art of Life and Vice Versa (Art, Literature, and Music)
71. King, David America on Two Wheels (nonfiction)
72. Knight, Hilary mid 40’s Where’s Wallace? (Education/Children)
73. Knisley, Lucy ‘03 French Milk (Memoir) Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos (Memoir)
74. Korda, Natasha ’79 Labor’s Lost, Women’s Work and the Early Modern English Stage (Art, Literature, Music)
75. Krohn, Deborah ’77 Dutch New York between East and West (Edited Books)
76. Korman, Keith ‘74 End Time (Novel)
77. LeBlanc, Lew, edited by Susan Elvers LeBlanc ’81 War Stories (Stories)
78. Lehu, Pierre ’67 The Doctor is In (Memoir) (with Dr. Ruth Westheimer) Dr. Ruth’s Guide to Teens and Sex Today (Nonfiction) (with Dr. Ruth Westheimer)
79. Listfield, Emily ’74 Waiting to Surface (Novel) Best Intentions (Novel)
80. Malden, Carla Afterimage (Memoir)
81. Marron, Dylan Conversations with People who Hate me ? (Nonfiction)
82. Miller, John Ripin ’55 The Man Who Could be King (Novel)
83. Moses, Harry ’54 co-edited with Gus Russo, Where Were You? America Remembers the JFK Assassination (Edited work)
84. Mottahedeh, Roy ’58? Loyalty and Leadership in an Early Islamic Society (Nonfiction)
85. Mullan, Sean ? (aka Sean March) Little Wade and Watchtower, Abigail and the Great Gang Trap(Children and Education)
86. Olsen, Nora mid 90’s? Maxine Wore Black (Novel) Frenemy of the People (Novel)
87. O’Brien, Geoffrey ’67 Hardboiled America, Lurid Paperbacks and the Masters of Noir (Nonfiction) Castaways of the Image Planet (Nonfiction)
88. Nidus, Gabrielle 90’s and Maya Sadder The Literacy Coach’s Game Plan (Education) Quiet Violet Finds her Voice (Children)
89. Pauck, Marion ’45 Paul Tillich, His Life and Thought (Nonfiction) with Wilhelm Pauck
90. Peacock, Molly ff The Paper Garden (Memoir) Poetry in Motion (Edited, with Elise Paschen and Neil Neches) How to Read a Poem (Art, Literature, and Music) Alphabetique (Stories) The Analyst (Poetry) Take heart (Poetry) Flower Diary (Art, Literature, Music)
91. Peck, Scott ‘50’s The Road Less Traveled (Nonfiction)
92. Peet, Amanda ’90? Dear Santa, Love Rachel Rosenstein (Children)with Andrea Troyer, illustrated by Christine Davinier
93. Perdomo, Willie ‘85 The Essential Hits of Shorty Bon Bon (Poetry) ) Visiting Langston (Children/education) The Crazy Bunch (Poetry)
94. Perry, John Curtis ’48 Singapore, Unlikely Power (Nonfiction-International) The Flight of the Romanovs with Constantine Pleshakov (Nonfiction-International)
95. Peters, Kirsti Jewel f What is Juneteenth (Children and Education)
96. Polowetzky, Michael ’74 Messenger (Novel) Sisters (Novel)
97. Pritchard, Norman ff The Matrix, Poems 1960-1970 (Poetry)
98. Reed, John ‘87 Snowball’s Chance (Novel) The Whole (Novel)
99. Roosevelt, Theodore hmm – a long time ago The Rough Riders (Nonfiction)
100. Rosenblatt, Roger ’58 Making Toast (Memoir) Rules for Aging (Nonfiction) The Boy Detective, A New York Childhood (Memoir)
101. Rowan, Lou ff A Mystery’s No Problem (Novel) ) Alphabet of Love Serial (stories) My Last Days (novel)
102. Rowan, Quentin ’94 Never Say Goodbye (Memoir)
103. Russell, Legacy Glitch Feminism (Nonfiction)
104. Sanchez-Eppler, Karen 70’s Touching Liberty (Art, Literature, Music) Dependent States: The Child's Part in Nineteenth-Century American Culture (Nonfiction)
105. Sayre, Nora ’49 Running Time, Films of the Cold War (Nonfiction)
106. Sellar, Tom ’87 Theater volume 47, number 1 Curating Crisis (Edited work)
107. Schrag, Peter Edmund ‘55 My Mother and Me: Making it in New York after Making it out of Berlin and Beirut (Memoir)
108. Schiffrin, André early 50’s? A Political Education: Coming of Age in Paris and New York (memoir)
109. Schwartz, Deborah ‘71 Woman on Top (Novel)
110. Shapiro, Laurie Gwen ’84 The Stowaway (Nonfiction)
111. Sherman, Ivy Baer ’74 Vintage, Quatrième Issue (Edited books)
112. Shifrin, Austin R. More Light, Collected Masonic Writings 20017-2021)(Nonfiction)
113. Shulman, Polly middle school in the 80’s? The Grimm Legacy (Education/Children)
114. Silvert, Alexander ‘76 The Mailbox Conspiracy, The Inside Story of the Greatest Corruption Case in Hawaii History (Nonfiction)
115. Singer, Ron te The Parents we Deserve (Novel) Uhuru Revisited (Nonfiction) The Real Presence (novel) Ngongo Chronicle (Novel)
116. Singh, Arya Courageous Calla & The Clinical Trial (Children)
117. Socolow, Nan ’55 Invasive Procedures: Earthquake, Calamities, and Poems from the midst of life (Poetry)
118. Stern, Amanda ‘89 The Long Haul (Novel) We are so Crashing your Bar Mitzvah (novel for middle school age- Children/education) by Fiona Rosenbloom (aka Amanda Stern) Little Panic (memoir)
119. Tanna, Laura ’65 Jamaican Folk Tales and Oral Histories (Art Literature and Music)
120. Thomas, Abigail ’59 A Three Dog Life (Memoir) What Comes Next and How to Like it (Memoir) Herb’s Pajamas (Stories) Safekeeping: Some True Stories from a Life (Stories) Getting Over Tom (stories)
121. Thomas, James Frankie ? Idlewild (Novel)
122. Waldman, Anne ’62? Voice’s Daughter of a Heart Yet to be Born (Poetry) Outrider (Art, Literature, Music)
123. Waldman, Carl ’65 Atlas of the North American Indian (Nonfiction)
124. Wapner, Jessica ’92 The Philadelphia Chromosome (Nonfiction)
125. Watkins, Calvert ’52? How to Kill a Dragon, Aspects of Indo-European Poetics (Art, Literature, Music)
126. Wilson, Kai Ashante ff The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps (Novel)
127. Winecoff, Charles 70’s? Split Image, The Life of Anthony Perkins (Nonfiction)
128. Wolff, Nina ’80 Someday You Will Understand (Memoir)
129. Wolff, Rebecca ?? The Beginners (Novel) Manderley (Poetry)
130. Wriggins, Jennifer mid 70’s The Measure of Injury (Nonfiction) with Martha Chamallas
131. Zirin, Dave ’91 Brazil’s Dance with the Devil (Nonfiction), Things that Make White People Uncomfortable with Michael Bennett (Memoir), The Kaepernick Effect (nonfiction)
132. Zissu, Alexandra ‘92 The Conscious Kitchen (Nonfiction) Earth Squad: 50 People who are Saving the Planet (Children/education)
f-faculty ff-former faculty te- teacher emeritus For the alums, I am mostly guessing. If anyone wants to let me know when they actually were at Friends, l will edit the list accordingly.
132 writers, 202 books