Dutch New York Between East and West, The World of Margrieta van Varick ed. Deborah L. Krohn (late ‘70’s) and Peter N. Miller. Margrieta van Varick settled in the rural village of Flatbush with her husband, a Dutch Reformed minister in 1686. More recently, a comprehensive hand-written inventory of her possessions, many acquired when she was in the Far East, came to light. This list became the inspiration for a collaborative exposition between the Bard Graduate Center and New York Historical Society to honor the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s arrival in the New World. The book contains a full catalogue of the items exhibited in colorful photographic splendor. Debbie was involved not only in the editing (and writing) of this elegant, informative tome, but also in assembling the large, exquisite collection of treasures from the seventeenth-century -- tea caddies, bed covers, ceramic figures, silver coffee pots, and paintings, just to name a few.