I don’t even know where to begin. I raced through this yesterday and today and am absolutely overcome. It is beautiful, compelling, human and funny. Everything you want in a memoir, or for that matter anything you read. Marge Gonzalez’s voice is intimate, graceful, joy-filled and real.
Ginny Blanford
A fascinating read!
Anne Boster
I read Body in Space and really had a difficult time putting it down. Marge Gonzalez gave wonderful descriptions of what it means to have a child with different abilities (and Tammy has many abilities).
The love that Marge and Tammy share is incredible.
Carolyn Schroeder, Psychologist
Just read your piece on Tammy and the shot. Can't wait to get the whole thing. I really do think you are one of the funniest and most poignant writers I have read. And it flows.
Note from Annette Kahn after reading Metamorphosis on this site

My niece, Becky Ward, reading Body In Space